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There are various useful data model patterns that Moqui Framework has conventions and functionality to help support. These data model patterns are also used extensively in the Moqui and Mantle data models.
A Master Entity is one whose records exist independent of other entities, and generally has a single field primary key. Examples of this include the moqui.example.Example
, mantle.product.Product, and mantle.order.OrderHeader
To set a primary sequenced ID, which is the sequenced value for the primary key of a master entity, use the EntityValue.setSequencedIdPrimary() method. You can also manually set the primary key field to any value, as long as it is unique.
A Detail Entity adds detail to a Master Entity for fields that have a one-to-many relationship with the Master. The primary key is usually two fields and one of the fields is the single primary key field of the master entity. The second field is a special sort of sequenced ID that instead of having an absolute sequence value its value is in the context of the master entity’s primary key.
An example of a detail entity is ExampleItem, which is a detail to the master entity Example. ExampleItem has two primary keys: exampleId (the primary key field of the master entity) and exampleItemSeqId which is a sub-sequence to distinguish the detail records within the context of a master record.
To populate the secondary sequenced ID first set the master’s primary key (exampleId for ExampleItem), then use the EntityValue.setSequencedIdSecondary() method to automatically populate it (for ExampleItem the exampleItemSeqId).
A single master entity can have multiple detail entities associated with it to structure distinct data as needed.
A Join Entity is used to associate Master Entities, usually two. A Join Entity is a physical representation of a many-to-many relationship between entities in a logical model.
A join entity is useful for tracking associated records among the master entities, and for any data that is associated with both master entities as opposed to just one of them. For example if you want to specify a sequence number for one master entity record in the context of a record of the other master entity, the sequence number field should go on the join entity and not on either of the master entities.
The join entity may have a single generated primary key, or a natural composite primary key consisting of the single primary key field of each of the master entities. If a relationship between two entities varies over time use the Effective Date pattern on the join entity with a fromDate field with a corresponding thruDate field that is not part of the join entity’s primary key.
One example of this is the ExampleFeatureAppl entity which joins the Example and ExampleFeature master entities. The ExampleFeatureAppl entity has three primary key fields: exampleId (the PK of the Example entity), exampleFeatureId (the PK of the ExampleFeature entity), and a fromDate. It also has a thruDate field that is not a primary key field to accompany the fromDate PK field.
To better describe the relationship between an Example and an ExampleFeature, the ExampleFeatureAppl entity also has a sequenceNum field for ordering features within and example, and a exampleFeatureApplEnumId field to describe how the feature applies to the example (Required, Desired, or Not Allowed).
To see the actual entity definition and seed data for the ExampleFeatureAppl entity see the ExampleEntities.xml file (in the example component).
Querying a join entity usually involves starting with one of the master entities and finding the related master entities using records for the join entity by specifying the ID of the known master entity and finding the ID(s) of related master entities.
If the Effective Date pattern is used (with fromDate and thruDate fields) then it should always be filtered by an anchor timestamp, which generally defaults to the current date/time. The general pattern for filtering is:
In some cases the configuration and logic calls for a single join record to honor. An example of this is that multiple price records may be configured for a product but only one is valid at any point in time. The standard query pattern for this is to use the applicable join entity record with the most recent fromDate after applying all filters (including Effective Date conditions above). In the price example this allows for a long term price with a fromDate far in the past and no thruDate along with a temporary override that has a more recent fromDate along with a thruDate when the temporary price is no longer active. To get this effect in a query simple apply the Effective Date conditions above and order the results by fromDate descending (-fromDate).
A few parts of the API and Tools app support the concept of "dependent" entities. Dependent entities can be found for any entity, but the concept is most useful for dependents of Master Entities. The general idea is that things like the items of an order (mantle.order.OrderItem
) are dependent on the header (mantle.order.OrderHeader
). It is useful to do operations such as data export including the master entity and all of its dependents.
Conceptually this is pretty simple, but the implementation is more complex because the information we have to work with for this is the entity relationships. The general idea is that each type one relationship points from a dependent entity to its master, and by this definition many dependent entities have more than one master entity and an entity can be both a dependent and a master entity so what an entity is depends on how you are treating it. When defining entities there is an automatic reverse type relationship for each type one relationship, and while it is generally a type many reverse relationship if the two entities have the same PK field(s) then it is a type one automatic reverse relationship.
For example, OrderItem has a type one relationship to OrderHeader so there is an automatic reverse relationship of type many from OrderHeader to OrderItem. This establishes OrderItem as a dependent of OrderHeader.
When getting dependents for an entity the method (which is part of the internal Entity Facade implementation: EntityDefinition.getDependentsTree()) runs recursively to get the dependents of dependents as well. The general idea is that for entities like OrderHeader you can get all records that define the order.
An Enumeration is simply a pre-configured set of possible values. Enumerations are used to describe single records or relationships between records. An entity may have multiple fields enumerated values.
The entity in Moqui where all enumerations are stored is named Enumeration, and values in it are split by type with a record in the EnumerationType entity.
When a field is to have a constrained set of possible enumerated values it should have the suffix "EnumId", like the exampleTypeEnumId field on the Example entity. For each field there should also be a relationship element to describe the relationship from the current entity to the Enumeration entity. The title attribute on the relationship element should have the same value as the enumTypeId that is used for the* Enumeration* records that are possible values for that field. Generally the title attribute should be the same as the enum field’s name up to the "EnumId" suffix. For example the relationship title for the exampleTypeEnumId field is ExampleType.
Another useful data concept is tracking the status of a record. Various business concepts have a lifecycle of some sort that is easily tracked with a set of possible status values. The possible status values are tracked using the StatusItem entity and exist in sets distinguished by a statusTypeId pointing to a record in the StatusType entity.
A set of status values are kind of like nodes in a graph and the transitions between those nodes represent possible changes from one status to another. The possible transitions from one status to another are configured using records in the StatusFlowTransition entity.
There can be multiple status flows for a set of status items with a given statusTypeId, each represented by a StatusFlow record. The StatusItem records are associated with a StatusFlow using StatusFlowItem records. For example the WorkEffort entity has a statusFlowId field to specify which status flow should be used for a project or task.
If an entity has only a single status associated with it the field to track the status can simply be named statusId. If an entity needs to have multiple status values then the field name should have a distinguishing prefix and end with "StatusId".
There should be a relationship defined for each status field to tie the current entity to the StatusItem entity. Similar to the pattern with the Enumeration entity, the title attribute on the relationship element should match the statusTypeId on each StatusItem record.
The audit log feature of the Entity Facade is the easiest way to keep a history of status changes including who made the change, when it was made, and the old and new status values. To turn this on just use set the enable-audit-log attribute to true on the entity.field element. With this the field definition would look something like:
<field name="statusId" type="id" enable-audit-log="true"/>
A unit of measure is a standardized or custom unit for measures such as length, weight, temperature, data size, and even currency. These are the types of UOM. A moqui.basic.Uom
record, identified by uomId, has type (uomTypeEnumId), description, and abbreviation fields. The OOTB data for units of measure is in the UnitData.xml file.
Most UOM types have a conversion between different units of the same type. These conversions are modeled in the UomConversion entity. For example there are 1000 meters in a kilometer, and that is recorded this way:
<moqui.basic.UomConversion uomConversionId="LEN_km_m" uomId="LEN_km" toUomId="LEN_m" conversionFactor="1000"/>
The conversionFactor is multiplied by the value with the uomId unit to get a value in the toUomId unit. You can also divide to go in the other direction. For example 1km = 1000m so a 1 value with the LEN_km unit is multiplied by the conversionFactor of 1000 to get a value of 1000 for the LEN_m unit.
There is also a conversionOffset field for cases such as Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures where a value must be added (or subtracted) to go from one unit to the other. The conversionFactor is multiplied first, then the conversionOffset is added to the result. When converting in the reverse direction the conversionOffset is subtracted first, then the result is divided by the conversionFactor.
Some UOM types, such as currency, have conversion factors that change over time. To handle this the UomConversion entity has optional effective date (fromDate, thruDate) fields.
A geographic boundary can be a political division, business region, or any other geographic area. Each moqui.basic.Geo
record, identified by a geoId, has a type (geoTypeEnumId) such as city, country, or sales region. Each Geo has a name (geoName) and may have 2 letter (geoCodeAlpha2), 3 letter (geoCodeAlpha3), and numeric (geoCodeNumeric) codes following the ISO 3166 pattern for country code (see the GeoCountryData.xml file for the country data that comes with Moqui).
The Geo entity also has a wellKnownText field for machine-readable detail about the geometry of the geographic boundary. It is meant to contain text following the ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011 specification which is supported by various databases and tools (including Java libraries). For a good introduction to WKT see:
Use the GeoAssoc entity to associate Geo records. This has different types (geoAssocTypeEnumId) and can be used for regions of larger geographic boundaries (GAT_REGIONS; like cities within states, states within countries), for Geo records that are more general groups to associate them with the Geo records in the group (GAT_GROUP_MEMBER; like the lower 48 states in the USA), or other types you might define. The geoId field should point to the group or larger area, and the toGeoId to the group member or region within the area. See the GeoUsaData.xml file for examples of both.
A GeoPoint is a specific geographic point, i.e. a point on the Earth’s surface. It has latitude, longitude, and elevation fields and a elevationUomId field to specify the unit for the elevation (such as feet, which is LEN_ft). There is also a dataSourceId to specify where the data came from and an information field for general text about the point.