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The Entity Facade

Basic CrUD Operations

The basic CrUD operations for an entity record are available through the EntityValue interface. There are two main ways to get an EntityValue object:

  • Make a Value (use ec.entity.makeValue(entityName))
  • Find a Value (more details on this below)

Once you have an EntityValue object you can call the create(), update(), or delete() methods to perform the desired operation. There is also a createOrUpdate() method that will create a record if it doesn’t exist, or update it if it does.

Note that all of these methods, like many methods on the EntityValue interface, return a self-reference for convenience so that you can chain operations. For example:


While this example is interesting, only in rare cases should you create a record directly using the Entity Facade API (accessed as ec.entity). You should generally do CrUD operations through services, and there are automatic CrUD services for all entities available through the Service Facade. These services have no definition, they exist implicitly and are driven only the entity definition.

We’ll discuss the Service Facade more below in the context of the logic layer, but here is an example of what that operation would look like using an implicit automatic entity service:


Most of the Moqui Framework API methods return a self-reference for convenient chaining of method calls like this. The main difference between the two is that one goes through the Service Facade and the other doesn’t. There are some advantages of going through the Service Facade (such as transaction management, flow control, security options, and so much more), but many things are the same between the two calls including automatic cleanup and type conversion of the fields passed in before performing the underlying operation.

With the implicit automatic entity service you don’t have to explicitly set the sequenced primary ID as it automatically determines that there is a single primary and if it is not present in the parameters passed into the service then it will generate one.

However you do the operation, only the entity fields that are modified or passed in are updated. The EntityValue object will keep track of which fields have been modified and only create or update those when the operation is done in the database. You can ask an EntityValue object if it is modified using the isModified() method, and you can restore it to its state in the database (populating all fields, not just the modified ones) using the refresh() method.

If you want to find all the differences between the field values currently in the EntityValue and the corresponding column values in the database, use the checkAgainstDatabase(List messages) method. This method is used when asserting (as opposed to loading) an entity-facade-xml file and can also be used manually if you want to write Java or Groovy code check the state of data.

Finding Entity Records

Finding entity records is done using the EntityFind interface. Rather than using a number of different methods with different optional parameters through the EntityFind interface you can call methods for the aspects of the find that you care about, and ignore the rest. You can get a find object from the EntityFacade with something like:


Most of the methods on the EntityFind interface return a reference to the object so that you can chain method calls instead of putting them in separate statements. For example a find by the primary on the Example entity would look like this:

EntityValue example = ec.entity.find("moqui.example.Example").condition("exampleId", exampleId).useCache(true).one()

The EntityFind interface has methods on it for:

  • conditions (both where and having)

    • condition(String fieldName, Object value): Simple condition, named field equals value.
    • condition(String fieldName, EntityCondition.ComparisonOperator operator, Object value): Compare the named field to the value using the operator which can be EQUALS, NOT_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO, GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO, IN, NOT_IN, BETWEEN, LIKE, or NOT_LIKE.
    • conditionToField(String fieldName, EntityCondition.ComparisonOperator operator, String toFieldName): Compare a field to another field using the operator.
    • condition(Map<String, ?> fields): Constrain by each entry in the Map whose key matches a field name on the entity. If a field has been set with the same name and any of the Map keys, this will replace that field's value. Fields set in this way will be combined with other conditions (if applicable) just before doing the query. This will do conversions if needed from Strings to field types as needed, and will only get keys that match entity fields. In other words, it does the same thing as: EntityValue.setFields(fields, true, null, null).
    • condition(EntityCondition condition): Add a condition created through the EntityConditionFactory.
    • conditionDate(String fromFieldName, String thruFieldName, Timestamp compareStamp): Add conditions for the standard effective date query pattern including from field is null or earlier than or equal to compareStamp and thru field is null or later than or equal to compareStamp.
    • havingCondition(EntityCondition condition): Add a condition created through the EntityConditionFactory to the having conditions. Having is the standard SQL concept and used for conditions applied after the grouping and functions.
    • searchFormInputs(String inputFieldsMapName, String defaultOrderBy, boolean alwaysPaginate): Adds conditions for the fields found in the inputFieldsMapName Map. The fields and special fields with suffixes supported are the same as the *-find fields in the XML Forms. This means that you can use this to process the data from the various inputs generated by XML Forms. The suffixes include things like *_op for operators and *_ic for ignore case. If inputFieldsMapName is empty will look at the ec.web.parameters map if the web facade is available, otherwise the current context (ec.context). If there is not an orderByField parameter (one of the standard parameters for search XML Forms) defaultOrderBy is used instead. If alwaysPaginate is true pagination offset/limit will be set even if there is no pageIndex parameter.
  • fields to select with selectField(String fieldToSelect) and/or selectFields(Collection<String> fieldsToSelect)

  • fields to order the results by

    • orderBy(String orderByFieldName): A field of the find entity to order the query by. Optionally add a " ASC" to the end or "+" to the beginning for ascending, or " DESC" to the end of "-" to the beginning for descending. If any other order by fields have already been specified this will be added to the end of the list. The String may be a comma-separated list of field names. Only fields that actually exist on the entity will be added to the order by list.
    • orderBy(List<String> orderByFieldNames): Each List entry is passed to the orderBy(String orderByFieldName) method.
  • whether or not to cache the results with useCache(Boolean useCache), defaults to the value on the entity definition

  • the offset and limit to pass to the datasource to limit results

    • offset(Integer offset): The offset, i.e. the starting row to return. Default (null) means start from the first actual row. Only applicable for list() and iterator() finds.
    • offset(int pageIndex, int pageSize): Specify the offset in terms of page index and size. Actual offset is pageIndex * pageSize.
    • limit(Integer limit): The limit, i.e. max number of rows to return. Default (null) means all rows. Only applicable for list() and iterator() finds.
  • database options including distinct with the distinct(boolean distinct) method and for update with the forUpdate(boolean forUpdate) method

  • JDBC options

    • resultSetType(int resultSetType): Specifies how the ResultSet will be traversed. Available values are ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE (default) or ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE. See the java.sql.ResultSet JavaDoc for more information. If you want it to be fast, use the common option ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY. For partial results where you want to jump to an index make sure to use ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, which is the default.
    • resultSetConcurrency(int resultSetConcurrency): Specifies whether or not the ResultSet can be updated. Available values are ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY (default) or ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE. Should pretty much always be ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY with the Entity Facade since updates are generally done as separate operations.
    • fetchSize(Integer fetchSize): The JDBC fetch size for this query. Default (null) will fall back to datasource settings. This is not the fetch as in the OFFSET/FETCH SQL clause (use the offset/limit methods for that), and is rather the JDBC fetch to determine how many rows to get back on each round-trip to the database. Only applicable for list() and iterator() finds.
    • maxRows(Integer maxRows): The JDBC max rows for this query. Default (null) will fall back to datasource settings. This is the maximum number of rows the ResultSet will keep in memory at any given time before releasing them and if requested they are retrieved from the database again. Only applicable for list() and iterator() finds.

There are various options for conditions, some on the EntityFind interface itself and a more extensive set available through the EntityConditionFactory interface. To get an instance of this interface use the ec.entity.getConditionFactory() method, something like:

EntityConditionFactory ecf = ec.entity.getConditionFactory();


For find forms that follow the standard Moqui pattern (used in XML Form find fields and can be used in templates or JSON or XML parameter bodies too), just use the EntityFind.searchFormInputs() method.

Once all of these options have been specified you can do any of these actual operations to get results or make changes:

  • get a single EntityValue (one() method)
  • get an EntityValueList with multiple value objects (list() method)
  • get an* EntityListIterator* to handle a larger set of results in smaller batches (with the iterator() method)
  • get a count of matching results (count() method)
  • update all matching records with specified fields (updateAll() method)
  • delete all matching records (delete() method)

Flexible Finding with View Entities

You probably noticed that the EntityFind interface operates on a single entity. To do a query across multiple entities joined together and represented by a single entity name you can create a static view entity using a XML definition that lives along side normal entity definitions.

A view entity can also be defined in database records (in the DbViewEntity and related entities) or with dynamic view entities built with code using the EntityDynamicView interface (get an instance using the EntityFind.makeEntityDynamicView() method).

Static View Entity

A view entity consists of one or more member entities joined together with key mappings and a set of fields aliased from the member entities with optional functions associated with them. The view entity can also have conditions associated with it to encapsulate some sort of constraint on the data to be included in the view.

Here is an example of a view-entity XML snippet from the ExampleViewEntities.xml file in the example component:

<view-entity entity-name="ExampleFeatureApplAndEnum" package="moqui.example">
        <member-entity entity-alias="EXFTAP" entity-name="ExampleFeatureAppl"/>
        <member-entity entity-alias="ENUM" entity-name="moqui.basic.Enumeration" join-from-alias="EXFTAP">
            <key-map field-name="exampleFeatureApplEnumId"/>
        <alias-all entity-alias="EXFTAP"/>
        <alias-all entity-alias="ENUM">
            <exclude field="sequenceNum"/>

Just like an entity a view entity has a name and exists in a package using the entity-name and package-name attributes on the view-entity element.

Each member entity is represented by a member-entity element and is uniquely identified by an alias in the entity-alias attribute. Part of the reason for this is that the same entity can be a member in a view entity multiple times with a different alias for each one.

Note that the second member-entity element also has a join-from-alias attribute to specify that it is joined to the first member entity. Only the first member entity does not have a join-from-alias attribute. If you want the current member entity to be optional in the join (a left outer join in SQL) then just set the join-optional attribute to true.

To describe how the two entities relate to each other use one or more key-map elements under the member-entity element. The key-map element has two attributes: field-name and related. Note that the related attribute is optional when matching the primary key field on the current member entity.

Fields can be aliased in sets using the alias-all element, as in the example above, or individually using the alias element. If you want to have a function on the field then alias them individually with the alias element. Note for SQL databases that if any aliased field has a function then all other fields that don’t have a function but that are selected in the query will be added to the group by clause to avoid invalid SQL.

View Entity Auto Minimize on Find

When doing a query with the Entity Facade EntityFind you can specify fields to select and only those fields will be selected. For view entities this does a little more to give you a big boost in performance without much work.

A common problem with static view entities is that you want to join in a bunch of member entities to provide a lot of options for search screens and similar flexible queries and when you do this the temporary table for the query in the database can get HUGE. When the common use is to only select certain fields and only have conditions and sorting on a limited set of fields you may end up joining in a number of tables that are not actually used. In effect you are asking the database to do a LOT more work that it really needs to for the data you need.

One approach to solving this is to build a EntityDynamicView on the fly and only join in the entities you need for the specific query options used. This works, but is cumbersome.

The easy approach is to just take advantage of the feature in EntityFind that automatically minimizes the fields and entities joined in for each particular query. On a view entity just specify the fields to select, the conditions, and the order by fields. The Entity Facade will automatically go through the view entity definition and only alias the fields that are used for one of these (select, conditions, order by), and only join in the entities with fields that are actually used (or that are need to connect a member entity with other member entities to complete the join).

A good example of this is the FindPartyView view entity defined in the PartyViewEntities.xml file in Mantle Business Artifacts. This view entity has a respectable 13 member entities. Without the automatic minimize that would be 13 tables joined in to every query on it. With millions of customer records or other similarly large party data each query could take a few minutes. When only querying on a few fields and only joining in a small number of member entities and a minimal number of fields, the query gets down to sub-second times.

The actual find is done by the service. The implementation of this service is a simple 45 line Groovy script (findParty.groovy), and most of that script is just adding conditions to the find based on parameter being specified or not. Doing the same thing with the EntityDynamicView approach requires hundreds of lines of much more complex scripting, more complex to both write and maintain.

Database Defined View Entity

In addition to defining view entities in XML you can also define them in database records using DbViewEntity and related entities. This is especially useful for building screens where the user defines a view on the fly (like the EditDbView.xml screen in the tools component, get to it in the menu with Tool => Data View), and then searches, views, and exports the data using a screen based on the user-defined view (like the ViewDbView.xml screen).

There aren’t quite as many options when defining a DB view entity, but the main features are there and the same patterns apply. There is a view entity with a name (dbViewEntityName), package (packageName), and whether to cache results. It also has member entities (DbViewEntityMember), key maps to specify how the members join together (DbViewEntityKeyMap), and field aliases (DbViewEntityAlias). Here is an example, from the example component:

<moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntity dbViewEntityName="StatusItemAndTypeDb" packageName="moqui.basic" cache="Y">
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityMember entityAlias="SI" entityName="moqui.basic.StatusItem"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityMember entityAlias="ST" entityName="moqui.basic.StatusType" joinFromAlias="SI"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityKeyMap joinFromAlias="SI" entityAlias="ST" fieldName="statusTypeId"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityAlias entityAlias="SI" fieldAlias="statusId"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityAlias entityAlias="SI" fieldAlias="description"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityAlias entityAlias="SI" fieldAlias="sequenceNum"/>
        <moqui.entity.view.DbViewEntityAlias entityAlias="ST" fieldAlias="typeDescription" fieldName="description"/>

As you can see the entity and field names correlate with the XML element and attribute names. To use these entities just refer to them by name just like any other entity.

Dynamic View Entity

Even with the automatic view entity minimize that the Entity Facade does during a find there are still cases where you’ll need or want to build a view programmatically on the fly instead of having a statically defined view entity.

To do this get an instance of the EntityDynamicView interface using the EntityFind.makeEntityDynamicView() method. This interface has methods on it that do the same things as the XML elements in a static view entity. Add member entities using the addMemberEntity(String entityAlias, String entityName, String joinFromAlias, Boolean joinOptional, Map<String, String> entityKeyMaps) method.

One convenient option that doesn’t exist for static (XML defined) view entities is to join in a member entity based on a relationship definition. To do this use the addRelationshipMember(String entityAlias, String joinFromAlias, String relationshipName, Boolean joinOptional) method.

To alias fields use the addAlias(String entityAlias, String name, String field, String function) method, the shortcut variation of it addAlias(String entityAlias, String name), or the addAliasAll(String entityAlias, String prefix) method.

You can optionally specify a name for the dynamic view with the setEntityName() method, but usually this mostly useful for debugging and the default name (DynamicView) is usually just fine.

Once this is done just specify conditions and doing the find operation as normal on the EntityFind object that you used to create the* EntityDynamicView* object.