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Overview of XML Actions

The xml-actions-${version}.xsd file has thorough annotations for detailed documentation, this section is just an overview of what is available to help you get started. You can view the annotations through most good XML editors (including the better Java IDEs or IDE plugins), in the XSD file itself, or in the PDF on that is generated from the XSD file.

Here is a summary of the most important XML Actions elements to be aware of:

setSet a field, either from another field or from a value, optionally specifying the type, a default-value, and whether to set-if-empty.
ifConditionally run the elements directly under the if element, or in the if.then element. The condition can be in the if.condition attribute or in compare and expression elements under the if.condition element (combined with and or or element, negated by the not element). For alternate actions use the else-ifand else subelements.
whileRepeat the subelements as long as the condition is true. Just like the if element the condition can be in the if.condition attribute or in the if.condition element.
iterateIterate over elements in the given list, creating a field in the context using the name in the entry attribute. If the field named in the list attribute is a Map, iterates over the map entries and the key for each entry is put in the context using the name in the key attribute. Also creates context fields ${entry}_index and ${entry}_has_next.
scriptRun any kind of script the Resource Facade can run at the specified location or the Groovy script in the text under this element (inline script).
service-callCall the service specified in the name attribute, using the inputs in the in-map attribute (which is a Groovy expression, so can use the square-brace [] syntax for an inline Map) or field-map subelements and putting the outputs in the out-map. Can optionally be async and include-user-login. If the service results in an error the simple method will return immediately unless ignore-error equals true.
entity-find-oneFind a single record for entity-name and put it in an EntityValue object in value-field using attributes including auto-field-map, cache, and for-update, and subelements including field-map and select-field.
entity-findFind records for entity-name and put an EntityList object in list using attributes including cache, for-update, distinct, offset, and limit, and subelements including search-form-inputs, date-filter, econdition, econditions, econdition-object, having-econditions, select-field, order-by, limit-range, limit-view, and use-iterator.
entity-find-countFind the count of the number of records that match the given conditions. Conditions and other application options follow the same structure as the entity-find operation.
entity-make-valueCreate a value-field entity value object for the given entity-name and optionally set fields based on a map.
entity-createCreate (or-update) a record for the value-field entity value.
entity-updateUpdate the record for the value-field entity value.
entity-deleteDelete the record corresponding to the value-field entity value.
entity-setSet fields to include (pk, nonpk, or all) on EntityValue object in value-field from map (defaults to context) with an optional prefix and set-if-empty.
entity-sequenced-id-primaryFor value-field of an entity with a single primary key field, populate that primary key field with a sequenced value (the sequence name is the full entity name).
entity-sequenced-id-secondaryFor value-field of an entity with a two field primary key and one field already populated, populate the other with a secondary sequenced key with the value of the highest existing secondary field for records matching the populated field, plus 1.
entity-dataFor the given mode, load or asset the Entity Facade XML at the specified location.
filter-map-listFilter the list and put the results in to-list if specified or back in list if not. Use one or more field-map or date-filter subelements to specify how to filter the list.
order-map-listOrder (sort) a list of Map objects by the fields specified in order-by subelements.
messageAdd the text under the message element to the Message Facade to the errors list if error=true or the message list otherwise.
check-errorsChecks the Message Facade error message list (ec.message.errors) and if not empty returns with an error, otherwise does nothing.
returnReturns immediately. Can optionally specify a message to add to the Message Facade errors list if error=true or the message list otherwise.
logLog the message at the specified level.