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With Moqui Framework the main unit of logic is the service. This is a service-oriented architecture with services used as internal, granular units of logic as well as external, coarse aggregations of logic. Moqui services are:
Services are defined in a services XML file using the service element. A service name is composed of a path, a verb and a noun in this structure: ${path.verb#noun}. Note that the noun is optional in a service definition, and in a service name the hash (#) between the verb and noun is also optional. Here is an example, the
service (from Mantle Business Artifacts):
<service verb="create" noun="Person">
<auto-parameters entity-name=""/>
<auto-parameters entity-name="" include="nonpk"/>
<parameter name="firstName" required="true"/>
<parameter name="lastName" required="true"/>
<parameter name="roleTypeId"/>
<out-parameters><parameter name="partyId"/></out-parameters>
<service-call name="" in-map="context + [partyTypeEnumId:'PtyPerson']" out-map="context"/>
<service-call name="" in-map="context"/>
<if condition="roleTypeId"><service-call name="" in-map="[partyId:partyId, roleTypeId:roleTypeId]"/></if>
The only attribute that is required for a service is verb, though use of a noun is generally recommended. The type attribute is commonly used, but defaults to "inline" just like the service above which has an actions element containing the service implementation. For other types of services, i.e. other ways of implementing a service, the location and optional method attributes are used to specify what to run.
The example above has in-parameters including individual parameter elements and an auto-parameters element to pull in all non-PK fields on the
entity. It also has one out-parameter, a partyId that in this case is either generated if no partyId is passed as an input parameter or the passed in value is simply passed through.
The actions element has the implementation of the service, containing a XML Actions script. In this case it calls a couple of services, and then conditionally calls a third if a roleTypeId is passed in. Note that there is no explicit setting of the partyId output parameter (in the result Map) as the Service Facade automatically picks up the context value for each declared output parameter after the service implementation is run to populate the output/results Map.
These are the attributes available on the service element:
verb: This can be any verb, and will often be one of: create, update, store, delete, or find. The full name of the service will be: "${path}.${verb}#${noun}". The verb is required and the noun is optional so if there is no noun the service name will be just the verb.
noun: For entity-auto services this should be a valid entity name. In many other cases an entity name is the best way to describe what is being acted on, but this can really be anything.
type: The service type specifies how the service is implemented. The default available options include: inline, entity-auto, script, java, interface, remote-xml-rpc, remote-json-rpc, and camel. Additional types can be added by implementing the org.moqui.impl.service.ServiceRunner
interface and adding a service-facade.service-type element in the Moqui Conf XML file. The default value is inline meaning the service implementation is under the service.actions element.
location: The location of the service. For scripts this is the Resource Facade location of the file. For Java class methods this is the full class name. For remote services this is the URL of the remote service. Instead of an actual location can also refer to a pre-defined location from the service-facade.service-location element in the Moqui Conf XML file. This is especially useful for remote service URLs.
method: The method within the location, if applicable to the service type.
authenticate: If not set to false (is true by default) a user much be logged in to run this service. If the service is running in an ExecutionContext with a user logged in that will qualify. If not then either a "authUserAccount" parameter or the "authUsername" and "authPassword" parameters must be specified and must contain valid values for a user of the system. An "authTenantId" parameter may also be specified to authenticate the user in a specific tenant instance. If specified will be used to run the service with that as the context tenant. Can also be set to anonymous-all or anonymous-view and not only will authentication not be required, but this service will run as if authorized (using the NA UserAccount) for all actions or for view-only.
allow-remote: Defaults to false meaning this service cannot be called through remote interfaces such as JSON-RPC and XML-RPC. If set to true it can be. Before settings to true make sure the service is adequately secured (for authentication and authorization).
validate: Defaults to true. Set to false to not validate input parameters, and not automatically remove unspecified parameters.
transaction-timeout: The timeout for the transaction, in seconds. This value is only used if this service begins a transaction (force-new, force-cache, or use-or-begin or cache and there is no other transaction already in place).
semaphore: Intended for use in long-running services (usually scheduled). This uses a record in the database to lock the service so that only one instance of it can run against a given database at any given time. Options include none (default), fail, and wait.
semaphore-timeout: When waiting how long before timing out, in seconds. Defaults to 120s.
semaphore-sleep: When waiting how long to sleep between checking the semaphore, in seconds. Defaults to 5s.
semaphore-ignore: Ignore existing semaphores after this time, in seconds. Defaults to 3600s (1 hour).
The input and output of a service are each a Map with name/value entries. Input parameters are specified with the in-parameters element, and output parameters with the out-parameters element. Under these elements use the parameter element to define a single parameter, and the auto-parameters element to automatically define parameters based on primary key (pk), non-primary key (nonpk) or all fields of an entity.
An individual parameter element has attributes to define it including:
For parameter object types that contain other objects (such as List, Map, and Node) the parameter element can be nested to specify what to expect (and if applicable, validate) within the parameter object.
In addition to the required attribute, validations can be specified for each parameter with these sub-elements:
Validation elements can be combined using the val-or and val-and elements, or negated using the val-not element.
When a XML Form field is based on a service parameter with validations certain validations are automatically validated in the browser with JavaScript, including required, matches, number-integer, number-decimal, text-email, text-url, and text-digits.
Now that your service is defined, essentially configuring the behavior of the Service Facade when the service is called, it is time to implement it.