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Service Jobs

Moqui provide support to configure ad-hoc (explicitly executed) or schedule jobs using moqui.service.job.ServiceJob and moqui.service.job.ServiceJobParameter entities. ServiceCallJob interface is used for ad-hoc (explicit) run of configured service jobs. User can track execution of Jobs using moqui.service.job.ServiceJobRun records.

Some important fields of moqui.service.job.ServiceJob entity that you should know-

  1. jobName: used to store unique job name.
  2. serviceName: used to store Service name (like ${path}.${verb}${noun}) that you want to call on service job run.
  3. topic: used to store a value of notification that will be sent to the current user and all users configured using moqui.service.job.ServiceJobUser records
  4. cronExpression: used to configure instances of CronTrigger, a subclass of org.quartz.Trigger. A cron expression is a string consisting of six or seven subexpressions (fields) that describe individual details of the schedule. For more details on cron expression, see the documentation at

moqui.service.job.ServiceJobParameter entity stores parameter name, value pair that passes to service on Service Job run.

Methods of ServiceCallJob interface

  • parameter(String name, Object value): Single name, value pairs to put in the parameters passed to the service.
  • parameters(Map<String, ?> context): Map of name, value pairs that make up the context (in parameters) passed to the service.
  • run(): Run a service job.
    • Service jobs will always run asynchronously.
    • If the ServiceJob.topic field has a value of notification will be sent to the current user and all users configured using moqui.service.job.ServiceJobUser records. The NotificationMessage.message field will be the results of this service call.
    • It return the jobRunId for the corresponding moqui.service.job.ServiceJobRun record.

For Example-


ImportEntityDataSnapshot job is used to import the Entity Data snapshots. Here job(String jobName) method is used to get a service caller to call a service job. There must be a moqui.service.job.ServiceJob record for this jobName.

The list of Service Jobs available at System => Server Admin => Service Jobs screen.

Some examples of a schedule job from MoquiInstallData.xml file, which is in place by default in Moqui-

  1. clean_ArtifactData_daily job clean the Artifact Data: ArtifactHit, ArtifactHitBin every night at 2:00 am
   <moqui.service.job.ServiceJob jobName="clean_ArtifactData_daily" description="Clean Artifact Data: ArtifactHit, ArtifactHitBin"  serviceName="org.moqui.impl.ServerServices.clean#ArtifactData" cronExpression="0 0 2 * * ?" paused="N">
       <parameters parameterName="daysToKeep" parameterValue="90"/>
  1. clean_ServiceJobRun_daily job clean ServiceJobRun Data every night at 2:00 am
<moqui.service.job.ServiceJob jobName="clean_ServiceJobRun_daily" description="Clean ServiceJobRun Data"  serviceName="org.moqui.impl.ServiceServices.clean#ServiceJobRun" 
cronExpression="0 0 2 * * ?" paused="N">
        <parameters parameterName="daysToKeep" parameterValue="30"/>
  1. send_AllProducedSystemMessages_frequent job send all produced system messages in every 15 minutes
<moqui.service.job.ServiceJob jobName="send_AllProducedSystemMessages_frequent" description="Send All Produced SystemMessages"           serviceName="org.moqui.impl.SystemMessageServices.send#AllProducedSystemMessages" cronExpression="0 0/15 * * * ?" paused="N"/>