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Multi-instance Moqui with Docker

Step 1: Configure Docker to listen to HTTP/TCP on localhost

The Docker daemon needs an additional -H argument such as this one for tcp:

$ dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://

For Linux systems Docker is often run with systemd. See this reference for details, especially the points about the ExecStart setting which should be something like the above (note that instead of the unix:// socket location your default configuration may have 'fd://' which should be left as-is, just add the -H argument for the tcp listener):

A note for Mac OS X (macOS): Because of the way Docker runs on a Mac this is difficult to setup. Options include hacking around the files, or using socat to forward HTTP requests to a Unix socket. It is much easier in general to work with Docker on Linux. I can't speak to Windows setups, other than noticing in the documentation that under Windows it uses HTTP/TCP by default instead of a Unix socket so it may be that no additional setup is needed.

Step 2: Build the moqui Docker image

# starting in the moqui directory (moqui-framework root), build moqui and create the moqui-plus-runtime.war file
$ gradle cleanAll build addRuntime
# build the Docker image based on the moqui-plus-runtime.war file
$ cd docker/simple
$ ./
# make sure there is an image called 'moqui'
$ docker images

Step 3: Start nginx-proxy and mysql

When this runs it will bind to ports 80 and 3306 on the host system, so make sure those are free first. If you change the nginx-mysql-compose.yml file that will vary (such as setting up HTTPS on port 443).

# starting in the moqui/docker directory, where the nginx-mysql-compose.yml file is
$ docker-compose -f nginx-mysql-compose.yml -p moqui up -d
# make sure the 'nginx-proxy' and 'moqui-database' services are running
$ docker ps
# make sure the 'moqui_default' network exists
$ docker network ls

This will start nginx-proxy and mysql server, and with the project/app name 'moqui' will create a network called 'moqui_default' that other moqui instances will use to automatically setup the virtual host reverse proxy and to connect to the database. Note that the default InstanceImageType settings for imageTypeId=moqui refer to the moqui-database container running on the same Docker network for the database. To use a different database you can change the default settings, add a new InstanceImageType, or change the corresponding AppInstanceEnv values, along with a different DatabaseHost record for the admin settings of the database server.

Step 4: Build and run a Moqui server for Instance Management

# starting in the moqui directory, build moqui and load data
$ gradle cleanAll load
# make sure the MySQL Connector/J jar file is in runtime/lib
$ cp <wherever>/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar runtime/lib
# start moqui
$ java -jar moqui.war

Note that this is NOT running in a Docker container, but on the same system as the Docker host so it can talk to the Docker host over HTTP using the settings from Step 1. Following these instructions it will run with an embedded H2 database for its own data, but will use the MySQL JDBC driver to talk to the database running in a Docker container by its exposed port (see the nginx-mysql-compose.yml file).

Step 5: Use the Instance screens to create and provision an instance

  1. In your browser go to Instance Mgmt screen in the System app: http://localhost:8080/vapps/system/Instance
  2. Click on the "Create App Instance" button
    • leave Instance Name blank (will default to Host Name with dots replaced by underscores)
    • in Host Name enter 'moqui.local'
    • in Image select 'moqui - Docker - Moqui Framework'
    • in Instance Host select 'Docker -'
    • in Database Host select 'MySQL -'
    • submit the form (click on the Create button)
  3. Check connection to the database and Docker host
    • Click on the Check DB button for the Instance, under the Database column
    • Click on the Check button under the Instance column
  4. Create the Database for the Instance
    • Click on the Create DB button under the Database column
  5. Initialize and start the Docker container
    • Click on the Init button under the Instance column
    • Click on the Start button under the Instance column

Step 6: Check the moqui.local instance

You can see if the instance is running from the Instances screen using the 'Check' button in the Instance column. You can also use docker directly to see if the instance is running (with 'docker ps').

To see the logs for the instance use something like 'docker logs -f moqui_local'

To resolve the moqui.local domain name add it to the system, i.e. in /etc/hosts.

Now in your browser you can go to 'http://moqui.local' and if all worked properly you will see a fresh copy of Moqui running with production settings and a database with only seed, seed-ininitial, and install data loaded. Note that there are no users yet in the system so the Login screen will show you a form to create an admin user. This should be done right away after setting up a new instance so that option is disabled.