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Moqui has tools for providing and consuming XML-RPC and JSON-RPC services. Any Service Facade service can be exposed as a remote callable service by setting the service.allow-remote attribute to true.
The Web Facade has methods to receive these RPC calls: ec.web.handleXmlRpcServiceCall() and ec.web.handleJsonRpcServiceCall(). In the OOTB webroot component there is a rpc.xml screen that has xml and json transitions that call these methods. With the setup the URL paths for the remote service calls are /rpc/xml and /rpc/json.
Below is an example of a JSON-RPC service call, using curl as the client. It calls the org.moqui.example.ExampleServices.createExample service with name, type, and status parameters. It also passes in the username and password to use for authentication before running the service (following a pattern that can be used for any Service Facade service call).
The id field is always something like 1. This JSON-RPC field is used for multi-message requests Each message in the request would have a different id value and that value is used in the id field in the response. To use this the JSON string would have an outer list containing the individual messages like the one in this example.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json"
"exampleName":"JSON-RPC Test 1",
When you run this you will get a response like (the exampleId value will vary):
The JSON-RPC implementation in Moqui follows the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification available at:
XML-RPC requests follow a similar pattern. Moqui uses Apache XML-RPC library ( which implements the XML-RPC specification available at:
While you can write code call remote XML-RPC and JSON-RPC services by directly using a library (or custom JSON handling code like in RemoteJsonRpcServiceRunner.groovy), the easiest way to call remote services is to use a proxy service definition. To do this:
When you call this service locally the Service Facade will call the remote service and return the results. In other words, you call a local service that is a configured proxy to the remote service.
Sometimes an API spec calls for a particular JSON structure or something other than the envelope structure of JSON-RPC. There are some feature in the Web Facade that make this easier.
When a HTTP request is received (really when the Web Facade is initialized) if the Content-Type (MIME type) of the request is application/json it will parse the JSON string in the request body and if the outer element is a Map (in JSON an object) then the entries in that Map will be added to the web parameters (ec.web.parameters), and web parameters are automatically added to the context (ec.context) with a screen is rendered or a screen transition run. If the outer element is a List (in JSON an array) then it is put in a _requestBodyJsonList web parameter, and again from there available in the context.
This makes it easy to get at the JSON data in a web request. It also resolves issues with getting the request body after the Web Facade automatically looks for multi-part content in the request body (which the Web Facade always does) because the Servlet container may not allow reading the request body again after this.
For a JSON response you can manually put together the response by setting various things on the HttpServletResponse and using the Groovy JsonBuilder to produce the JSON text. For convenience the ec.web.sendJsonResponse(Object responseObj) method does all of this for you.
To go in the other direction, doing a request to a URL that accepts and responds with JSON, there are special tools because the Groovy and other utilities make this pretty simple. For example, this a variation on the actual code that remotely calls a JSON-RPC service:
Map jsonRequestMap = [ jsonrpc:"2.0", id:1, method:method, params:parameters ]
JsonBuilder jb = new JsonBuilder()
String jsonResponse = StupidWebUtilities
jb.toString(), "application/json")
Object jsonObj = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonResponse)
This uses the JsonBuilder and JsonSlurper classes from Groovy and the StupidWebUtilities
.simpleHttpStringRequest() method which internally uses the Apache HTTP Client library.
A RESTful service uses a URL pattern and request method to identify a service instead of a method name like JSON-RPC and XML-RPC. The general idea is to have things like a record represented by URL with the type of record (like an entity or table) as a path element and the ID of the record as one or more path elements (often one for simplicity, i.e., a single field primary key).
When interacting with this record as a web resource the HTTP request method specifies what to do with the record. This is much like the create, update, and delete service verbs for Moqui entity-auto services. The GET method generally does a record lookup. The POST method generally maps to creating a record. The PUT method generally maps to updating a record. The DELETE method does the obvious, a delete.
For examples, such as the one below, see the ExampleApp.xml file.
To support RESTful web services we need a way for transitions to be sensitive to the HTTP request method when running in a web-based application. This is handled in Moqui Framework using the transition.method attribute, like this:
<transition name="ExampleEntity" method="put">
<path-parameter name="exampleId"/>
<service-call name="org.moqui.example.ExampleServices.updateExample"
in-map="ec.web.parameters" web-send-json-response="true"/>
<default-response type="none"/>
To test this transition use a curl command something like this to update the exampleName field of the Example entity with an exampleId of 100010:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic am9obi5kb2U6bW9xdWk=" \
--data '{ "exampleName":"REST Test - Rev 2" }' \
There are some important things to note about this example that make it easier to create REST wrappers around internal Moqui services:
There are various other examples of handling RESTful service requests in the ExampleApp
.xml file.