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Sending and Receiving Email

The first step to sending and receiving email is to setup an EmailServer with something like this record loaded:

< emailServerId="SYSTEM"
   smtpHost="" smtpPort="25" smtpStartTls="N" smtpSsl="N"
   storeHost="" storePort="143" storeProtocol="imap"
   storeDelete="N" mailUsername="TestUser" mailPassword="TestPassword"/>

Note that these are all example values and should be changed to real values, especially for the smtpHost, storeHost, mailUsername and mailPassword fields. The store* fields are for the remote mail store for incoming email. Here are some other common values for the port fields:

  • smtpPort: 25 (SMTP), 465 (SSMTP), 587 (SSMTP)
  • storePort for storeProtocol=imap: 143 (IMAP), 585 (IMAP4-SSL), 993 (IMAPS)
  • storePort for storeProtocol=pop3: 110 (POP3), 995 (SSL-POP)

If you need to work with multiple email servers, just add EmailServer records with the settings for each. When sending an email using an email template the EmailServer to use is specified on the EmailTemplate record with the emailServerId field.

Speaking of EmailTemplate, the next step for sending an email is to create one. Here is an example from HiveMind PM for sending a task update notification email:

< emailTemplateId="HM_TASK_UPDATE"
   description="HiveMind Task Update Notification"
   emailServerId="SYSTEM" webappName="webroot"
   fromAddress="[email protected]" ccAddresses="" bccAddresses=""
   subject="Task Updated: ${document._id} - ${}"/>

The general idea is to define a screen that will be rendered for the body when the email is sent (bodyScreenLocation). The email body screen is a little bit different from normal UI screens because there is no Web Facade available when it is rendered as it is not part of a web request. The URL prefixes (domain name, port, etc) are generated based on webapp settings in the Moqui Conf XML file, which is why it is necessary to specify a webappName which is matched against the attribute.

The subject is also a simple template of sorts, it is a Groovy String that is expanded when the email is sent using the same context as rendering the body. The fromAddress field is required, and you can optionally specify ccAddresses and bccAddresses.

Attachments to an EmailTemplate can be added with the EmailTemplateAttachment entity. The filename to use on the email must be specified using the fileName field. The attachment itself comes from rendering a screen specified with the attachmentLocation field. The screenRenderMode field is passed to the ScreenRender to specify the type of output to get from the screen. It is also used to determine the MIME/content type. If empty the content at attachmentLocation will be sent over without screen rendering and its MIME type will be based on its extension. This can be used to generate XSL:FO that is transformed to a PDF and attached to the email with by setting screenRenderMode to xsl-fo.

Once the EmailServer and EmailTemplate are defined you can send email using the org.moqui.impl.EmailServices.send#EmailTemplate service. When calling this service pass in the emailTemplateId parameter to identify the EmailTemplate. As mentioned above the EmailServer will be determined based on the EmailTemplate.emailServerId field.

The email addresses to send the message to are passed in the toAddresses parameter which is a plain String and can have multiple comma-separated addresses. The parameters used to render the email screen are separate from the context of the service and are passed to it in the bodyParameters input parameter. By default the send#EmailTemplate service saves details about the outgoing message in a record of the EmailMessage entity. To disable this pass in false in the createEmailMessage parameter. The output parameters are messageId which is the value put in the Message-ID email header field, and emailMessageId if a EmailMessage record is created.

The EmailMessage entity is used for both outgoing and incoming email messages. For outgoing messages sent using the send#EmailTemplate service the status (statusId) starts out as Sent (actually sets it to Ready, sends the email, then sets it to Sent) and may be changed to Viewed if there is open message tracking based on an image request (usually with the emailMessageId as a parameter or path element). If the message is returned undeliverable the status may be changed to Bounced.

An EmailMessage may also be sent manually instead of from a template and in that case the status would start out as Draft. Once the user is done with the message they would change the status to Ready, and then when it is actually sent the status would change to Sent. Incoming messages start in the Received status and can be changed to the Viewed status after they are initially opened.

For email threads the EmailMessage entity has rootEmailMessageId for the original messages that all messages in the thread are grouped under, and parentEmailMessageId for the message the current message was an immediate reply to.

Receiving email follows a very different path. The org.moqui.impl.EmailServices.poll#EmailServer service polls a IMAP or POP3 mailbox based on the settings on the EmailServer entity. It takes a single input parameter, the emailServerId. Generally this will be run as a scheduled service.

For each message found in the mailbox and not yet marked as seen this service calls the Email ECA (EMECA) rules for it. These are similar to the Entity and Service ECA rules but there is no special trigger, just the receiving of an email. The conditions can be used to only run the actions for a particular to address or tag in the subject like or any other criteria desired.

The context for the condition and actions will include a headers Map with all of the email headers in it (either String, or List of String if there are more than one of the header), and a fields Map with the following: toList, ccList, bccList, from, subject, sentDate, receivedDate, bodyPartList. The *List fields are List of String, and the *Date fields are java.util.Date objects. For a service that is called directly with this context setup you can implement the org.moqui.EmailServices.process#EmailEca interface.

The actions and services they call can do anything with the incoming email. To save the incoming message you can use the service.