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Transactional Emails

Email Configuration

There are a few emails generated in other ways (like the Password Reset and general Notification emails), but transactional emails in general are all configured per ProductStore using records for the ProductStoreEmail entity. There is a tab on the Store screens in POPC ERP for Emails.

Those records refer to an 'Email Template' record which is the EmailTemplate entity and there is no specific UI for that so easiest to look at in the Auto Screens in the Tools app for the EmailTemplate entity.

For an email see the POPC Order Placed EmailTemplate.

On the EmailTemplate record there is a Subject field with the 'template' for the subject, ie it can have ${} to expand variables that are part of the data available to the template. The data available to a EmailTemplate is determined by code and that code lives in the body screen for the template, specified in the Body Screen Location field of the EmailTemplate entity.

Build a New Email

To build a new email the basic steps are:

  1. build the body screen (including actions for data prep and 'widgets' for the email HTML and optionally plain text)
  2. create an EmailTemplate record to configure the template
  3. create a ProductStoreEmail record to make it live for orders, shipments, invoices, etc associated with that store

Existing Emails in Mantle

The mantle-usl code currently automatically generates emails based on status changes for the following store email types (from ProductStoreEmail records):

  • Order Placed
  • Order Approved
  • Shipment Shipped
  • Shipment Delivered
  • Invoice Finalized

There is also a 'Invoices Past Due' email supported though it is triggered manually in the UI.

Sample config data, with references to the OOTB email templates is available here:

Editing by Non-Technical End Users

The Subject is fairly easily editable and the only complexity is dealing with the ${} syntax and knowing which data is available (which depends on the Body Screen data prep actions). The template for the email body is generally more involved. The Body Screen could be implemented to pull the template from a wiki page and make it technically end user editable, but they would have to know a bit about both HTML and the template language (default in Moqui is FreeMarker aka FTL). This is a bit more difficult for emails because the HTML supported by email readers is a small subset of the full HTML/CSS/JS supported by modern browsers.

More generally there are content management tools for both web and email that help with by providing OOTB general templates with configurable layout, content, and other widgets. The trade off with those is a sacrifice of flexibility to simplify editing. Those are not trivial things to design and build, and need mechanisms to plug in custom scripts and templates (dropping down to artifacts that are no longer easily editable) to avoid making them useless for unanticipated real world requirements... but when you do that you lose some or all of the easy end-user editing. For now this sort of thing is outside the scope of Moqui and unless someone designs, builds, and contributes a decent quality web and/or email easy building sort of tool along with a bunch of end user configurable plugable widgets it will likely remain outside the scope of Moqui.